Reflection Questions

I learn a lot about myself (and others) through the process of inquiry. These are some of my favourite questions to help me dig a little deeper, gain a new perspective, or move forward with some intention setting. I have separated the questions into a specific time of reflection and general getting to know yourself better questions, please just choose what resonates with you and disregard the rest. And if you have some questions you ask yourself on a regular basis please add it in comment at the bottom.
sending lots of love,
~ Cassondra
For the full moon, new season, birthday, or new year. 
What have you loved most about today,  this week, this month or this year?
What is the greatest lesson you learned this month, this season, or this year?
What is the most exciting experience you have had this month, this season, or this year?
List the top 5 moments of this past month, season or year.
How can I invite more joy / pleasure / love / adventure / etc into my life right now?
How am I expressing my love and appreciation to the people in my life?
I felt the most, radiant, healthy and beautiful when…
Have there been any moments in this past season or year that you did something for the first time?
What thoughts, feeling, people, activities are no longer serving me? How do I let go of what’s no longer serving me?


For general introspection and personal development – getting to know YOU.
What 5 people have you been interacting with the most? How do they make you feel?
What people/ places / things/ moments do you appreciate the most in your life? Why?

When do you feel most alone? The most drained?
When do you feel content or at peace?
What activities make you lose track of time?
What topics to you love learning about?
What is your favourite time of day? Why? What activities do you? How do you feel?
What little things do you enjoy most in your daily life?
When did you do something brave with your life? Something that really terrified you? How did you feel before, during and after?
What will make me feel more alive? More brave?
What are ten thing you would like to have? To do? To learn? And to share?
What do I want more of in my life?
How have I contributed and what will that look like moving forward?
I believe that…
I want to ….
I know this to be true…

Will this action make me small or make me expand? Or is this action/ thought/ feeling out of fear or love?

Art by Alphonse Mucha

These questions are a combination of finds and inspiration from Brene Brown, Amber Chalus, Anuschka Rees, Kristin Lohr, and me ❤

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